Friday, May 13, 2011

Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board now approves Iveysol surfactant!

In this article:
Advantages & Features
Contamination Sorption
Process Description
Remediation Process
Application Cost
Case Studies

As of May 2011 the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board has approved Ivey-sol surfactant. As the main distributor of the Ivey-sol product for the U.S., EnviroSupply and Service is proud to introduce this cutting-edge surfactant technology to the environmental community. Developed by Bud Ivey of Ivey International, Ivey-sol products are non-toxic and biodegradable solution that does not persist in the environment after application.

Ivey-sol formulation have been developed that work on a broad range of soil and groundwater contaminants. Ivey-sol reduces the concentrations of contaminants. These include, but are not limited to the follow examples:

*       LNAPL (Petroleum Hydrocarbons)

o    TPH Fractions: F1, F2, F3, and F4
o    BTEX Gasoline, Fuel Oil, Diesel
o    Lubricants, Motor-Oils
o    Bunker-C #2, #4
o    MTBE (Methyl tert-butyl ether)
o    PAH (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon)
o    Styrene
*       DNAPL (Chlorinated Solvents)
o    PCB, DCB (Polychlorinated biphenyls, Dichlorobenzene)
o    PCP (Pentachlorophenol)
o    TCE (Trichloroethylene)
o    TCA (Trichloroethane)
o    CTC
o    TCM (Trichloromethane)
o    PCE (Tetrachloroethylene)
o    Pesticides, Hebicides, and Insecticides
*       Heavy Metals Several Organo-Metalic compounds such as: Tetra-ethyl-lead.
Advantages & Features
·         The Ivey-sol products are non-toxic and biodegradable, so they do not persist in the environment after application
·         Improves contaminant mass recovery for in-situ P&T by > 400 to > 800%, for LNAPL and DNAPL contamination
·         Improves in-situ and ex-situ soil and water bioremediation by 40-60% or more
·         Improves chemical oxidation by 72% to 80% and reduced amount of oxidant required in treatment.
·         Does not negatively affect water treatment systems (i.e., O/W Separators, GAC, Air Stripping, membrane separation, Bio-reactors, etc.).
·         Non-toxic to bacteria, so can aid and/or improve natural attenuation;
·         Reduces required treatment times when used in conjunction with other remediation technologies (i.e., P&T, in-situ/ex-situ bioremediation, oxidation, reduction, etc.);
·         Works well with duel phase extraction, vacuum extraction, and conventional P&T;
·         Works in fine grain soils (i.e., silty sand, silt, silty clay, clay and fractured bedrock)
·         Does not generate additional O&M issues;
·         Applicable for the full range of LNAPLs; has been demonstrated to be very effective on most DNAPL contaminants, and several heavy metals;
·         Can be applied to saturated and/or unsaturated zone.
·         Effective to help with residual free product recovery/removal efforts;
·         Works well with other in-situ and ex-situ remediation technologies. Having many synergistic benefits.
Contaminant Sorption

Illustration of sorbed contaminants to soil surfaces. While sorbed are less ‘available’ for remediation.

The sorption of contaminates onto solids (i.e., soil, sediments, bedrock, sludge, drilling cuttings, oil sands, etc.) is considered the principal limiting factor on the effectiveness of most remediation techniques for in-situ and ex-situ projects. This coupled with complex site chemistry, geology and hydro-geology may only further complicate matters.
Generally speaking, the lower the water solubility of a contaminant the greater it’s sorption to soil, sediments, and bedrock. Sorption will limit the ‘availability’ of contaminants for in-situ or ex-situ remediation including bio-remediation.
Process Description
The addition of Ivey-sol® to the substrate (in-situ or ex-situ) can aid in the controlled de-sorption of the contaminants making them more ‘available’ for treatment. Ivey-sol® makes the contaminants more miscible in the aqueous-moisture phase allowing for their improved mass recovery and/or improved treatment by many other remediation techniques.
Surfactant enhanced remediation involves the use of surfactant formulations to selectively desorb and dissolve target contaminates from the solid to liquid phase. In addition, the surfactants lower the surface tension of water from 72 dynes to <30 dynes increasing the wetting and permeability properties of water in fine grain soil (i.e., clay and silt) and bedrock fractures. The surfactants affect the sorption of HOC at the solid-liquid interface (i.e., the surface–H2O–NAPL interface). As a result, the surfactants increase the contaminate miscibility and improved ‘availability’ for rapid and cost effective treatment.
When HOC (hydrophobic organic compounds) like petroleum product, are absorbed on a soil grain, water alone will not remove it from the surface. This is a function of the hydrophobic characteristics of the HOC, which repels the water at its surface and its inherent low water solubility. With the addition of Ivey-sol® surfactants, the Ivey-sol® hydrophobic grouping is repelled by the water but attracted to the HOC on the surface. At the same time, the Ivey-sol® hydrophilic grouping is attracted to the water molecules. These opposing forces loosen the HOC from the surface of the soil matrix and suspend it in the water phase. Once dissolved, the suspended HOC is more ‘hydraulically-available’ for Pump and Treatment (P&T), more ‘bio-available’ to the microbial population present, and more ‘chemically-available’ for oxidation or reduction reactions. Once liberated in low concentration in a ‘surfactant-aqueous HOC’ microscopic outward appearance, it is more ‘available’ for treatment by most, if not all, forms of in-situ and ex-situ remediation treatment technologies. The mechanism of how Ivey-sol functions is shown below.
Making contaminant more "Available" for Physical, Chemical, or Biological Treatment
 Remediation Processes
Ivey-sol® makes the de-sorbed contaminants more ‘Hydraulically Available’ for extraction by Pump and Treatment; more ‘Bio Available’ for Bio-remediation (In-situ or Ex-situ); and by increasing the dissolved aqueous-phase contaminant concentration, it improves their ‘Chemical Availability’ for Oxidative and or Reductive treatment (In-situ & Ex-situ). As such, Ivey-sol® can be effective as a ‘stand alone’ technology, or used to improve other remediation techniques (i.e., Bio-remediation, Chemical Oxidation, Pump & Treatment, Reductive Dechlorination, etc.) Three Ivey-sol® application processes were developed for enhancing in-situ and ex-situ air, soil and groundwater site remediation. They described below with illustrations to aid understanding.
SER® Surfactant Enhanced Remediation. In-situ and ex-situ application processes to liberate contaminants making them more ‘hydraulically-available’ for mass removal and/or treatment. SER® improves in-situ pump and treatment, and/or ex-situ soil washing type applications by >400%.
In-situ SER Ivey-sol Injection, P&T Recovery
Ex-situ SER Ivey-sol Soil Washing Unit
SEB® Surfactant Enhanced Bio-remediation. In-situ and ex-situ application processes to liberate contaminants making them more ‘bio-available’ for microbial (bacteria) degradation. SEB® improves both in-situ and/or ex-situ bio-remediation treatment by >40 to 60% or more, and is applicable for both warm and cold climate applications.
In-situ SEB Ivey-sol Injection Treatment With or Without P&T Recovery
Ex-situ SEB Soil Bioremediation Pile Treatment
SEO® Surfactant Enhanced Oxidation. In-situ and ex-situ application processes to liberate contaminants making them more ‘chemically-available’ for chemical oxidation by chemical oxidizing agents. SEO® improves the availability of the contaminants to the chemical oxidants commonly employed to affect in-situ and or ex-situ chemical oxidation by >25 to 80% or more. It is not uncommon to hear reports of 3 to 5 kg of oxidant being required per 1 kg of TPH contaminant. Ivey-sol, by virtue of increasing the pore space concentration of the contaminants makes them more ‘chemically available’ for contact with the oxidants limiting the occurrence of non-target oxidant reactions, such as with metals, naturally occurring carbon, or potentially killing some indigenous bacteria. Hence this approach can lowering the oxidant to contaminant loading rates required for remediation.
Typical in-situ chemical oxidation with P&T. Initial contaminant desorption would increase the ‘chemical availability’ for improved oxidation reactions.
 The oxidation of non-target compounds (i.e., metals, natural products, and bacteria) is the greatest drawback to chemical oxidant treatment. Ivey-sol® helps overcome this limitation by increasing contact between contaminants and oxidants improving the oxidation rate of target compounds. This process may also be modified for application with chemical reducing agents if reductive type chemical degradation is being considered.
 Application Costs
Typical costs savings for in-situ and ex-situ remediation applications typically ranges between 25 to 50% or more over when compared to many alternative remediation options. The actual costs (in-situ/ex-situ) will vary from site to site depending on soil type, concentration and type of contamination, site hydrogeology, availability of resources, and the regulatory land use clean-up objectives that need to be achieved.
Significant time and cost savings are realized given most in-situ P&T sites would take 5 to 7 years or more to remediate, but with Ivey-sol applications are usually complete in less than 12 months. Many bioremediation F3 and F4 projects that are anticipated to take >2 to 3 years can be completed in <6 to 12 months.
The cost and time saving that may be experienced from combining Ivey-sol with other remediation technology is often significant as the synergistic benefits that each technology brings to each other is often much greater than the parts.

·         Case Study #1: Ex-Situ Case
·         Case Study #2: In-Situ LNAPL Case
·         Case Study #3: Monroe Case
·         Case Study #4: In-Situ DNAPL Case


From the Ivey-sol surfactant technology EnviroSupply Introduces: DeConit Non-ionic Surface Cleanser!

Deconit is EnviroSupply & Service NEW Non-Ionic Surface Cleanser.

Eliminates Cross Contamination
No Fumes
No Phosphates or Chlorine
Contains No Toxic or Hazardous Air Pollutants
Non-Ozone Depleting
Works Quicker Than Conventional Products
Reduces Cross Contamination
Reduces Man Hours and Effort Required to Complete a Project 

Product Testimonials:

 “DeconIt is a superior cleaning agent and decontamination product. For years, I used Alconox and Simple Green out in the field, and neither product can compare to the effectiveness and great smell of DeconIt. Get some DeconIt into a spray bottle and you are good to go!”

Fran Sosic - Murex Environmental Tustin CA

"I used the Deconit over the weekend. It worked really well. Not sure what the larger containers would look like, but the spray bottle is a plus."

Kevin Coffman - Geosyntech Consultants

"I actually just used it. I really liked it. There wasn't that much work in getting a water level meter clean and let me tell you it was NASTY! Usually I would have to scrub it, but with some warm water and the DeConIT, it came out great. I had Petroleum of 2 feet on the tape, from a monitoring well, I can actually see the numbers and it looks like  nothing was on it before. Thank You!"

Nicole D. Motto - LiRo Engineers, Inc

"We have used it to decon field equipment after use and it seems to work out well."

Troy Fowler - Hart Crowser, Inc

"I loved the product. It was easy to use, left no film or residue behind, and made cleaning quick."

Drew R. Priolo - SCS Engineers

"Everyone loves it and we will be purchasing more when we are running low."

David Ring - Geotechnical Services, Inc

For more information contact EnviroSupply & Service Inc.

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