Wednesday, August 17, 2011



ESP BioBailers™ (biodegradable* bailers) are the same high quality PVC disposable bailer as Clear-View bailers. They are augmented with an additive Ecopure™ which makes them biodegrade* when discarded.

BioBailers™ have been tested for non-leaching using the SPLP EPA 1312 extraction process followed by analysis using EPA 8260 for volatiles and EPA 8270 for semi-volatiles. This is a long duration test of 18 hours, which greatly exceeds the expected use time of a disposable bailer. Here at ESP we just want to make sure our clients are receiving the highest quality bailer.

BioLiners™ (biodegradable* liners) are the same tough PVC liners yet made biodegradable* to fade away when disposed in a landfill.

ESP, a leader in environmental samplers, manufactures a range of Environmentally Suitable Products designed to look after our earth not only from their designed purpose but also their subsequent disposal. What starts from the earth, returns to the earth.

Here at ESP we believe we should not be carrying our trash forward for future generations to deal with. For too long products have been manufactured that, once discarded, will still persist for many 100’s of years. Every piece of plastic that has ever been made and thrown into a landfill is still there today. The plastic trash problem in the USA is overwhelming,from plastic water bottles used at a rate of 2 million every 5 minutes(CNBC), to plastic packaging on almost every item we buy, to plastic bags at grocery stores and so on. There are 30 million tons of plastic trash discarded to landfills every year that will not disappear for a long, long time, if ever.

Now, there is hope. ESP has taken the lead of this issue for environmental sampling products and offers biodegradable* products that will biodegrade* in just a few years when discarded in a landfill. Users can now perform their groundwater or soil sampling tasks and dispose of the used samplers into a landfill without the feeling of exacerbating our plastic trash problem further. With ESP BioBailers™ you can be assured we offer a true solution, verified by independent laboratories, to the plastic trash problem accumulating in landfills.

BioBailers™ compared to other Eco or Green Bailer claims
Some manufacturers and suppliers claim they have eco-friendly products. What does this really mean? For the BioBailer™ it is easy to understand, because once it is discarded to a landfill it breaks down to biogas and humus (or plant food). Eco or Green claims made by manufacturers are not often clear and sometimes misleading. These can lead customers to think they are doing something positive for the environment when they are not.
  • Eco could imply it was friendly to our ecological environment or it could imply it was economical i.e.low cost. Nonbiodegradable plastic bailers have no benefit to the environment.
  • Green is normally implied as having some benefit to help the environment, whereas Green is often used for a product that is less damaging to the environment than the non-green version.

This is why it is important to switch to BioBailers™ now.

So join us in making our future green by making better environmental choices to reduce our waste creation. By choosing our Environmentally Suitable Products you are making a difference to the global problem of landfilling. Switch to biodegradable* bailers and liners.

More Information on Plastics Issues:

The 3 Rs or is it Now 4?

The EPA promotes the 3Rs of REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE as ways to minimise waste. It is clear that REDUCE is the best way to limit the problems of plastic trash. This is especially true in the use of convenience items like water bottles, plastic cups and straws etc. However due to the way our environmental industry works, it is not practical for the amount of some plastic items like bailers to be REDUCED any time soon. They cannot be REUSED as there may be a risk of cross contamination as is the case with a bailer, or the item’s useful life may be over. In theory they could be RECYCLED, but there may be contamination issues again. Or the collection and transport costs to return them back to a recycler may be prohibitive. Plus people may have to make an effort to get them to a recycle facility, which for items like many plastic items bottles, plastic cups and plastic straws, this does not work too successfully.

From above, there are practical limitations of the 3R’s in many cases and more often than not the plastic waste goes directly to a landfill. Information from some other sources suggest that after recycling, composting would be the next best option. Composting is a limited option because composting facilities are few and far between.

The ultimate solution for plastics: If REDUCE is not practical, and even if REUSE and RECYCLE are practiced, it is only a matter of time before those products cannot be reused or recycled anymore and they get discarded to the landfill. Using this new biodegradable technology, plastics will biodegrade in a landfill or a compost pile. Taking a broader outlook, perhaps we can now use a 4th R for REJUVENATE. We selected the word Rejuvenate because the products of biodegradation are biogas and biomass (plant food). The latter of which will rejuvenate the soil.
Our concept of 4 Rs could provide a simpler understanding of the ultimate solution for plastic waste that is discarded to a landfill.

Now, the management of plastic waste could look this way. REDUCE use as much as possible first as that is the best saving of all. Then REUSE and RECYCLE plastic items as much as possible to save them from going to a landfill. This also saves on the cost of using new raw materials to produce new items. Then finally when all of the above have been achieved as much as possible, send those treated plastics to a landfill where they will biodegrade away to REJUVENATE our land again. We are now no longer carrying our plastic trash problem forward into the future for our grandchildren or their grandchildren to cope with in their time.

Note: The 4Rs concept was developed for BioBailers and BioLiners and is not part of any regulatory endorsement.


Extract from ‘Ecological Intelligence’ by Daniel Goleman

Our world of material abundance comes with a hidden price tag. We cannot see the extent to which things we buy and use daily have other kinds of costs – their toll on the planet or our health. We go through our daily life awash in a sea of things we buy, use and throw away, waste or save. Each of those things has its own history and its own future, backstories and endings largely hidden from our eyes, a web of impacts left along the way from the initial extraction or concoction of its ingredients, during its manufacture and transport, through the subtle consequences of its use in our homes and workplaces, to the way we dispose of it. And yet these unseen impacts of all that stuff may be their most important aspect.

Our manufacturing technologies and the chemistry they deploy were largely chosen in a more innocent time, one when shoppers and industrial engineers alike had the luxury of paying little or no attention to the adverse impacts of what was made. Instead they were understandably pleased by the benefits: electricity generated by burning coal, with enough to last for centuries; cheap and malleable plastics made from a seemingly endless sea of petroleum; a treasure chest of synthetic chemical compounds; cheap lead powder to add luster and life to paints. They were oblivious to the costs of these well-meaning choices to our planet and its people.

Though the composition and impact of things we buy and use daily are for the most part the outcome of decisions made long ago, they still determine daily practice in manufacturing design and industrial chemistry – and end up in our homes, schools, hospitals, and workplaces. The material legacy left to us by the once wonder-inducing inventions of the industrial age that ran through the twentieth century has made life immeasurably more convenient than the life our great-grandparents knew. Ingenious combinations of molecules, never before seen in nature, concoct a stream of everyday miracles. As utilized in yesterday’s business environment, today’s industrial chemicals and processes make utter sense, but all too many make little sense going forward. Consumers and businesses alike can no longer afford to leave invisible decisions about those chemicals and processes – and their ecological consequences – unexamined.

For more product informaiton and pricing please visit: Envirosupply-BioBailers

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